Melanson,Melancon, Mellanson,Mellansons,Melansons,Melancons,The Melansons,The Melanson Story, Granger,Le Blanc,LeBlanc,Leblanc,Muis,Cormier,Landry, d'Entremont,Bourgeois,Bourg,Bourque,Boudrot,Boudreau,Dugas,Cormier,Priscilla,Pierre Laverdure,Pierre Melanson,Charles Melanson,Jean Laverdure,La Verdure,Laverdure,early Acadia,Acadia,Acadian,L'Acadie,Grand Pre,Port Royal,Scoudouc,New Brunswick,Nova Scotia,Menoudie,Minudie,acadian genealogy,scottish,newfoundland

Gathering Home

Welcome to Gregor's Gathering, a genealogy based site. This site is currently into its seventh year on the Internet and has gone through many changes and manifestations.

The three main areas of interest remain the same

  • Acadian genealogy
  • Scottish genealogy
  • Newfoundland genealogy

Many, many families are presented within this site and I hope that things are well connected and structured so that visitors can navigate the large number of this site's pages with relative ease.

As you can see in the left hand margin, there are three main areas of this site. No matter which page you end up on the navigation menu at the left will be the same. As the old saying goes, "You can always get back here from there."

This site does not go into any detailed "Historical" presentations for any of the 3 main areas (Acadia, Scotland and NFLD) of this site as this has been done over and over again on many other sites from many different perspectives.

Instead, I will do my best to include links to genealogy and historical sites that I feel have dealt with the historical aspects of these places in the most accurate manner possible. Please email me any link/s if you feel that others would benefit from visiting it.

Over the years I have corresponded with many other genealogy enthusiasts - particularly the Acadian ones. In January 2002 the server that I was using for my Guestbook went down and all entries were lost along with the email addresses associated with them.

So, if you are a return visitor from the past I'd love it if you could sign the new Guestbook. If you're new to the Gathering, feel free to say "hello" in the guestbook and use the map to mark where you are from.

And, if you're the person that had the same NFLD Byrne family that I have listed in my NFLD area a few years ago please email me as I lost your email long ago so was never able to respond to you.

In the event that you have a family line not presented here but feel that it's inclusion would benefit the site you can feel free to email me the details by following the "Contact Greg" link at the top of each page.

I am also wanting to hear from anyone who can fill in any blanks that I have in my data or that can correct any inaccurate or incorrect data. Discussion about differences in data is also quite openly welcomed.

Best Regards,


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Site est. April 1996.